Well, with this post I want to start a (little) post series based on Nars blushes I own.

Today I’ll show to you Desire and Gaiety.

left: Desire, right: Gaiety

Nars blushes quickly became my favourite blushes; I love these babies so much that I decided some times ago that I would not have bought any other blush anymore.

Well, I didn’t keep my promise XD but I became soooo much selective with other brands.

In this case high price goes well with high quality: I find Nars blushes the most worth product.

I decided to start with my worst weakness XD: cool pink. I must confess: I tend to buy any cold pink blush on market. Shame on me. But! there are worst vices 😀 and I’ll be happy in my grave with all my sweety blushes.

Most people believe that Nars blushes are only shimmery. Well, it’s true for a lot of them but there is also a good selection of matte shades. And the blushes that I’m going to talking about are both matte.

Desire was my second Nars blush, along with Orgasm (Sin was my first, reviews coming soon!). I bought them in 2008, during one of my frequent trips in France.

When you try Nars blushes once, you can not live without anymore.

I payed them 29 euro (each!). Yes, they’re pricey. And yes, they’re little: 4.5g.

Desire is a bright – almost fluocool fuchsia, no more nor less. It’s extremely pigmented, so be careful. I have fair skin and I barely touch the blush with a duo fiber brush (Mac 188). The result is a bright, lively flush on my cheeks. Desire’s finish is, as I said, matte but it gives at the same time a light youthful glow. Texture is soft and incredibly blendable: it blends from itself. Excellent staying power: a full day – from morning to evening – without fading.

Desire is described often as an extremely cool candy pink. Well, not on me. It’s not so cool and I’d say it’ll go well also on neutral-warmer tones (and gorgeous on medium-deep skins).

I find that Mac Tippy (l.e. Hello Kitty collection) is a good dupe.


Gaiety came out last spring but you can find in the permanent range.  It is the perfect cool candy pink which I was looking for. Extremely cool, extremely fair: just like a blossom. I can’t wait to use it this winter for an ice princess look. I find it less “universal” flattering than Desire: I’d see Gaiety only on fair-light, cool-neutral skintones.

Gaiety is less pigmented (though talking of “less pigmented” for a Nars blush is ridiculous) than other Nars blushes so it’s easier to apply without overdoing. I gives an almost “fluo” glow. Matte finish and very, very blendable. Staying power is around 8-9 hours.

I thought that Mac Azalea Blossom could be a good dupe for Gaiety but it’s a lot more purple and muted.

left: Gaiety, right: Azalea Blossom

Also, Desire and Gaiety are really different, as you can see: I read that they were very similar but they’re not at all.


from left to right: Azalea Blossom, Gaiety, Desire

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