Mac Fluidline Catch My Eye is part of Glamour Daze Holiday 2012 collection. This collection features three new fluidlines and I couldn’t wait to see them, because I love this product so much.

But when I read first online reviews, I was really disappointed: they seemed sheer, a bunch of glittery mess, nothing similar to classic fluidline formula.

I had the chance to find testers at my counter new, they just put out the Holiday collection. When I swatched Catch My Eye I was sold: it is a beautiful shimmering taupe with gold sheen. I don’t find it sheer at all. Plus it is really shimmery but not a glitterbomb (I really appreciate that).

I used it all over my lid as a cream eyeshadow and it is simply stunning: it put my eye colour out in a beautiful way. I also used it as classic eyeliner to brighten a simple smoky taupe: a very classy alternative to glitter eyeliner.

I didn’t had any issue to use it on my waterline and I have sensitive eyes (I don’t wear lenses, though).

Lasting power is great, as for all fluidlines: it stays there until you take it off.

Get it until you can!

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